Posts tagged yoga
Meditation Is A Tool, Not The Goal.

At the heart of the entire Practice of Meditation is Discipline. Discipline, broken down, is knowing what you must do in that moment (despite your thoughts and feelings) and doing it.

I need to go for a run. But I’ll be so tired after.
I need to eat better. But the desserts look more tasty.
I need to study for this exam. But this show is so tempting.

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Breaking The Cycle Of Reincarnation.

Astute practitioners of yoga (and Hinduism, for that matter—since they both come from the same tree) know that the primary objective is to escape the endless cycle of death and rebirth (Reincarnation) and achieve Moksha (Liberation).

Taken more allegorically, this can be better understood as escaping the endless cycle of death and rebirth in relation to one’s own suffering, or (more accurately) trauma.

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Taking Stock.

Incessantly, we continue to drudge forward; never stopping to appreciate who we are or how far we’ve come. We can become so over-worked on finding the next big thing, that we are left to wonder how it is that we were never really “here” in the first place.

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